Package 'StratPal'

Title: Stratigraphic Paleobiology Modeling Pipelines
Description: The fossil record is a joint expression of ecological, taphonomic, evolutionary, and stratigraphic processes (Holland and Patzkowsky, 2012, ISBN:978-0226649382). This package allowing to simulate biological processes in the time domain (e.g., trait evolution, fossil abundance), and examine how their expression in the rock record (stratigraphic domain) is influenced based on age-depth models, ecological niche models, and taphonomic effects. Functions simulating common processes used in modeling trait evolution or event type data such as first/last occurrences are provided and can be used standalone or as part of a pipeline. The package comes with example data sets and tutorials in several vignettes, which can be used as a template to set up one's own simulation.
Authors: Niklas Hohmann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Niklas Hohmann <[email protected]>
License: Apache License (>= 2)
Version: 0.3.1
Built: 2025-02-20 12:37:36 UTC

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apply niche model


Models niches by removing events (fossil occurrences) or specimens when they are outside of their niche. For event type data, this is done using the function thin, for pre_paleoTS this is done by applying the function prob_remove on the specimens. Combines the functions niche_def and gc ("gradient change") to determine how the taxons' collection probability changes with time/position. This is done by composing niche_def and gc. The result is then used to remove events/specimens in x.


apply_niche(x, niche_def, gc)



events type data, e.g. vector of times/ages of fossil occurrences or their stratigraphic position, or a pre_paleoTS object (e.g. produced by stasis_sl).


function, specifying the niche along a gradient. Should return 0 when taxon is outside of niche, and 1 when inside niche. Values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as collection probabilities. Must be vectorized, meaning if given a vector, it must return a vector of equal length.


function, stands for "gradient change". Specifies how the gradient changes, e.g. with time. Must be vectorized, meaning if given a vector, it must return a vector of equal length.


for a numeric vector input, returns a numeric vector, timing/location of events (e.g. fossil ages/locations) preserved after the niche model is applied. For a pre_paleoTS object as input, returns a pre_paleoTS object with specimens removed according to the niche model.

See Also


### example for event type data
## setup
# using water depth as gradient
 t = scenarioA$t_myr
 wd = scenarioA$wd_m[,"8km"]
 gc = approxfun(t, wd)
 plot(t, gc(t), type = "l", xlab = "Time", ylab = "water depth [m]",
  main = "gradient change with time")
 # define niche
 # preferred wd 10 m, tolerant to intermediate wd changes (standard deviation 10 m), non-terrestrial
 niche_def = snd_niche(opt = 10, tol = 10, cutoff_val = 0)
 plot(seq(-1, 50, by = 0.5), niche_def(seq(-1, 50, by = 0.5)), type = "l",
 xlab = "water depth", ylab = "collection probability", main = "Niche def")
 # niche pref with time
 plot(t, niche_def(gc(t)), type = "l", xlab = "time",
 ylab = "collection probability", main = "collection probability with time")

 ## simulate fossil occurrences
 foss_occ = p3(rate = 100, from = 0, to = max(t))
 # foss occ without niche pref
 hist(foss_occ, xlab = "time")
 foss_occ_niche = apply_niche(foss_occ, niche_def, gc)
 # fossil occurrences with niche preference
 hist(foss_occ_niche, xlab = "time")

 # see also
 # for a detailed example on niche modeling for event type data

 ### example for pre_paleoTS objects
 # we reuse the niche definition and gradient change from above!
 x = stasis_sl(seq(0, max(t), length.out = 10))
 plot(reduce_to_paleoTS(x), main = "Trait evolution before niche modeling")
 y = apply_niche(x, niche_def, gc)
 plot(reduce_to_paleoTS(y), main = "Trait evolution after niche modeling")
 # note that there are fewer sampling sites
 # bc the taxon does not appear everywhere
 # and there are fewer specimens per sampling site

model taphonomic effects


Models taphonomy by combining the change in taphonomic conditions with the preservation potential as a function of taphonomic conditions to determine how preservation potential changes. This is then used to systematically remove (thin) the event data using thin/ remove specimens from the pre_paleoTS object using prob_remove.


apply_taphonomy(x, pres_potential, ctc)



event type data, e.g. times/ages of fossil occurrences or their stratigraphic position, or a pre_paleoTS object.


function. Takes taphonomic conditions as input and returns the preservation potential (a number between 0 and 1). Must be vectorized, meaning if given a vector, it must return a vector of equal length.


function, change in taphonomic conditions (ctc) with time or stratigraphic position. . Must be vectorized, meaning if given a vector, it must return a vector of equal length.


if given event type data, a numeric vector, location/timing of events (e.g. fossil occurrences) after the taphonomic filter is applied. If given a pre_paleoTS object, returns another pre_paleoTS object with reduced number of specimens.

See Also

  • apply_niche() for modeling niche preferences based on the same principle. Internally, these functions are structured identically.

  • thin() and prob_remove() for the underlying mathematical procedures.


# see
# for details on usage

define niche from boundaries


Defines a simple niche model where the niche defined is given by a lower limit (g_min) and an upper limit (g_max) of a gradient the taxon can tolerate


bounded_niche(g_min, g_max)



lowest value of the gradient the taxon can tolerate


highest value of the gradient the taxon can tolerate


a function describing the niche for usage with apply_niche. The function returns 1 if the taxon is within its niche (the gradient is between g_min and g_max), and 0 otherwise

See Also

  • snd_niche() for an alternative niche model

  • apply_niche() for the function that uses the function returned

  • vignette("advanced_functionality") for details how to create user-defined niche models


x = seq(0, 10, by = 0.2)
f = bounded_niche(2,5)
plot(x, f(x), type = "l",
xlab = "Gradient", ylab = "Observation probability",
main = "Observation probability of taxon")

# see also
# for details how to use this functionality

simulate ornstein-uhlenbeck (OU) process


Simulates an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process using the Euler-Maruyama method. The process is simulated on a scale of 0.25 * min(diff(t)) and then interpolated to the values of t. Note that different parametrizations of OU processes are used in the literature. Here we use the parametrization common in mathematics. This translates to the parametrization used in evolutionary biology (specifically, the one in Hansen (1997)) as follows:

  • sigma is identical

  • mu used in the StratPal package corresponds to theta sensu Hansen (1997)

  • theta as used in the StratPal package corresponds to alpha sensu Hansen (1997)


ornstein_uhlenbeck(t, mu = 0, theta = 1, sigma = 1, y0 = 0)



times at which the process is simulated. Can be heterodistant


number, long term mean


number, mean reversion speed


positive number, strength of randomness


number, initial value (value of process at the first entry of t)


A list with two elements: t and y. t is a duplicate of the input t, y are the values of the OU process at these times. Output list is of S3 class timelist (inherits from list) and can thus be plotted directly using plot, see ?admtools::plot.timelist


See Also


library("admtools") # required for plotting of results
t = seq(0, 3, by = 0.01)
l = ornstein_uhlenbeck(t, y0 = 3) # start away from optimum (mu)
plot(l, type = "l")
l2 = ornstein_uhlenbeck(t, y0 = 0) # start in optimum
lines(l2$t, l2$y, col = "red")

simulate ornstein-uhlenbeck (OU) process (specimen level)


Simulates an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process on specimen level (_sl). The mean trait value is simulated using the Euler-Maruyama method. The process is simulated on a scale of 0.25 * min(diff(t)) and then interpolated to the values of t. At each sampling location there are n_per_sample specimens that are normally distributed around the mean trait value with a variance of intrapop_var. Note that different parametrizations of OU processes are used in the literature. Here we use the parametrization common in mathematics. This translates to the parametrization used in evolutionary biology (specifically, the one in Hansen (1997)) as follows:

  • sigma is identical

  • mu used in the StratPal package corresponds to theta sensu Hansen (1997)

  • theta as used in the StratPal package corresponds to alpha sensu Hansen (1997)


  mu = 0,
  theta = 1,
  sigma = 1,
  y0 = 0,
  intrapop_var = 1,
  n_per_sample = 10



times at which the process is simulated. Can be heterodistant


number, long term mean


number, mean reversion speed


positive number, strength of randomness


number, initial value (value of process at the first entry of t)


intrapopulation variance, determines how much specimens from the same population vary


integer, number of specimens sampled per population/sampling locality


an object of S3 class pre_paleoTS, inherits from timelist and list. The list has two elements: t, containing a vector of times of sampling, and vals, a list of trait values of the same length as t, with element containing trait values of individual specimens. This object can be transformed using apply_taphonomy, apply_niche or time_to_strat, and then reduced to a paleoTS object using reduce_to_paleoTS. This can then be used to test for different modes of evolution.

See Also


x = ornstein_uhlenbeck_sl(1:5)
y = reduce_to_paleoTS(x) # turn into paleoTS format
plot(y) # plot using the paleoTS package

# see also
#for details and advanced usage

simulate Poisson point process


Simulates events in the interval from to to based on a Poisson point process with rate rate. If the parameter n is used, the number of fossils is conditioned to be n In the context of paleontology, these events can be interpreted as fossil occurrences or first/last occurrences of species. In this case, the rate is the average number of fossil occurrences (resp first/last occurrences) per unit


p3(rate, from, to, n = NULL)



strictly positive number, rate of events (avg events per unit)


lowest boundary of observed interval


upper boundary of observed interval


integer of NULL (default). Number of events to return. If NULL, the number is random and determined by the rate parameter


a numeric vector with timing/location of events.

See Also

p3_var_rate() for the variable rate implementation


# for fossil occ.
x = p3(rate = 5, from = 0, to = 1) # 5 fossil occurrences per myr on avg.
hist(x, xlab = "Time (Myr)", ylab = "Fossil Occurrences" )

x = p3(rate = 3, from = 0, to = 4)
hist(x, main = paste0(length(x), " samples")) # no of events is random

x = p3(rate = 3, from = 0, to = 4, n = 10)
hist(x, main = paste0(length(x), " samples")) # no of events is fixed to n

# see also
# for details on usage and applications to paleontology

simulate variable rate Poisson point process


simulates events based on a variable rate Poisson point process. Rates can be either specified by a function passed to x, or by providing two vectors x and y. In this case the rate is specified by approxfun(x, y, rule = 2), i.e. by linear interpolation between the values of x (abscissa) and y (ordinate). See ?approxfun for details. In the context of paleontology, these events can be interpreted as fossil occurrences or first/last occurrences of species. In this case, the rate is the average number of fossil occurrences (resp first/last occurrences) per unit


p3_var_rate(x, y = NULL, from = 0, to = 1, f_max = 1, n = NULL)



numeric vector or function. If x is a function, it is used to specify the variable rate. If x is a vector, x and y together specify the variable rate using linear interpolation


numeric vector or NULL. If not NULL, determines the variable rate. This is done by using linear interpolation between the values of y. Here x specifies the ordinate and y the abscissa


lower boundary of the observed interval


upper boundary of the observed


maximum value of x in the interval from x_min to x_max. If x attains values larger than f_max a warning is throw, f_max is adjusted, and sampling is started again


NULL or an integer. Number of events drawn. If NULL, the number of events is determined by the rate (specified by x and y). If an integer is passed, n events are returned.


numeric vector, timing/location of events. Depending on the modeling framework, these events can represent location/age of fossils, or first/last occurrences of a group of taxa.

See Also

p3() for the constant rate implementation, rej_samp() for the underlying random number generation.


# assuming events are fossil occurrences
# then rate is the avg rate of fossil occ. per unit
#linear decrease in rate from 50 at x = 0 to 0 at x = 1
x = c(0, 1)
y = c(50, 0)
s = p3_var_rate(x, y, f_max = 50)
hist(s, xlab = "Time (myr)", main = "Fossil Occurrences")
# conditioned to return 100 samples
s = p3_var_rate(x, y, f_max = 50, n = 100)
# hand over function
s = p3_var_rate(x = sin, from = 0 , to = 3 * pi, n = 50)
hist(s) # note that negative values of f (sin) are ignored in sampling

# see also
# for details on usage and applications to paleontology

plot pre-paleoTS objects


This functions throws an error on purpose, as pre_paleoTS objects can not be plotted directly. To plot them, first use reduce_to_paleoTS and use plot on the results


## S3 method for class 'pre_paleoTS'
plot(x, ...)





other arguments

See Also



## Not run: 
x = stasis_sl(1:4)
# throws error
# correct way to plot pre-paleoTS objects
y = reduce_to_paleoTs(x)
# this plots via the procedures of the paleoTS package (which must be installed and loaded)

## End(Not run)

probabilistic removal of elements


probabilistic removal of elements from x. For each element, the probability to be preserved is independent and specified by prob


prob_remove(x, prob)





number between 0 and 1, probability to preserve elements


a vector of the same type as x

See Also


x = prob_remove(1:10, 0.5)
x = prob_remove(1:10, 0.5)

simulate (un)biased random walk


Simulates a (continuous time) random walk as a Brownian drift. For mu = 0 the random walk is unbiased, otherwise it is biased.


random_walk(t, sigma = 1, mu = 0, y0 = 0)



numeric vector with strictly increasing elements, can be heterodistant. Times at which the random walk is evaluated


positive number, variance parameter


number, directionality parameter


number, starting value (value of the random walk at the first entry of t)


A list with elements t and y. t is a duplicate of the input parameter and is the times at which the random walk is evaluated. y are the values of the random walk at said times. Output list is of S3 class timelist (inherits from list) and can thus be plotted directly using plot, see ?admtools::plot.timelist

See Also


library("admtools") # required for plotting of results
t = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
l = random_walk(t, sigma = 3) # high variability, no direction
plot(l, type = "l")
l2 = random_walk(t, mu = 1) # low variabliity, increasing trend
lines(l2$t, l2$y, col = "red")

simulate (un)biased random walk (specimen level)


Simulates a (continuous time) random walk as a Brownian drift on specimen level. For mu = 0 the random walk is unbiased, otherwise it is biased.


  sigma = 1,
  mu = 0,
  y0 = 0,
  intrapop_var = 1,
  n_per_sample = 10



numeric vector with strictly increasing elements, can be heterodistant. Times at which the random walk is evaluated


positive number, variance parameter


number, directionality parameter


number, starting value (value of the random walk at the first entry of t)


intrapopulation variance, determines how much specimens from the same population vary


integer, number of specimens sampled per population/sampling locality


an object of S3 class pre_paleoTS, inherits from timelist and list. The list has two elements: t, containing a vector of times of sampling, and vals, a list of trait values of the same length as t, with element containing trait values of individual specimens. This object can be transformed using apply_taphonomy, apply_niche or time_to_strat, and then reduced to a paleoTS object using reduce_to_paleoTS. This can then be used to test for different modes of evolution.

See Also


x = random_walk_sl(1:5)
y = reduce_to_paleoTS(x) # turn into paleoTS format
plot(y) # plot using the paleoTS package
# see also
#for details and advanced usage

reduce pre-paleoTS format to paleoTS


paleoTS is a format for paleontological time series. It is a summary format where interpopulation variance is provided as a parameter. As a result, taphonomic and ecological effects that act on individual specimens can not be modeled for paleoTS objects. To resolve this, the pre_paleoTS format tracks each specimen individually. This function reduces the pre-paleoTS format into standard paleoTS object, which can be used by the paleoTS package.


reduce_to_paleoTS(x, min_n = 1, na.rm = TRUE, ...)



a pre_paleoTS object


minimum number of specimens. If the number of specimens at a sampling location falls below this number, the sampling location will be removed


Logical. If sampling locations are NA (e.g., because of erosion), should the sample be removed?


other options. currently unused


a paleoTS object

See Also


x = stasis_sl(t = 0:5)     # create pre_paleoTS object representing stasis on specimen level
y = reduce_to_paleoTS(x)   # reduce to standard paleoTS format
# now analyses using the paleoTS package can be applied to y

random numbers from rejection sampling


Rejection sampling from the (pseudo) pdf f in the interval between x_min and x_max. Returns n samples. Note that values of f below 0 are capped to zero


rej_samp(f, x_min, x_max, n = 1L, f_max = 1, max_try = 10^4)



function. (pseudo) pdf from which the sample is drawn


number, lower limit of the examined interval


number, upper limit of the examined interval


integer. number of samples drawn


number, maximum value of f in the interval from x_min to x_max. If f attains values larger than f_max a warning is throw, f_max is adjusted, and sampling is started again


maximum number of tries in the rejection sampling algorithm. If more tries are needed, an error is thrown. If this is the case, inspect of your function f is well-defined and positive, and if f_max provides a reasonable upper bound on it. Adjust max_try if you are certain that both is the case, e.g. if f is highly irregular.


numeric vector, sample of size n drawn from the (pseudo) pdf specified by f

See Also

p3_var_rate() for the derived variable rate Poisson point process implementation.


f = sin
x = rej_samp(f, 0, 3*pi, n = 100)
hist(x) # note that no samples are drawn where sin is negative

example data, scenario A from Hohmann et al. (2024)


Scenario A as described in Hohmann et al. (2024), published in Hohmann et al. (2023). Contains data from a carbonate platform simulated using CarboCAT Lite (Burgess 2013, 2023)




A list with 6 elements:

  • t_myr : numeric vector. timesteps of the simulation in Myr

  • sl_m : numeric vector. eustatic sea level in m

  • dist_from_shore : character vector. Distance from shore in km of locations at which the observations were made. Available distances are "2km", "4km", "6km", "8km", "10km", "12km".

  • h_m : matrix of size length(t_myr) x length(dist_from_shore). Accumulated sediment height in m at examined locations

  • wd_m: matrix of size length(t_myr) x length(dist_from_shore). Water depth in m at examined locations

  • strat_col: list with length(dist_from shore) elements. Represents a stratigraphic column. Each element is a list with two elements:

    • bed_thickness_m: numeric vector. Bed thickness in m

    • facies_code : integer vector. facies code of the bed


  • Burgess, Peter. 2013. "CarboCAT: A cellular automata model of heterogeneous carbonate strata." Computers & Geosciences. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.08.026.

  • Burgess, Peter. 2023. "CarboCATLite v1.0.1." Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402578

  • Hohmann, Niklas; Koelewijn, Joël R.; Burgess, Peter; Jarochowska, Emilia. 2024. "Identification of the mode of evolution in incomplete carbonate successions." BMC Ecology and Evolution 24, 113. doi:10.1186/s12862-024-02287-2.

  • Hohmann, Niklas, Koelewijn, Joël R.; Burgess, Peter; Jarochowska, Emilia. 2023. “Identification of the Mode of Evolution in Incomplete Carbonate Successions - Supporting Data.” Open Science Framework. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ZBPWA, published under the CC-BY 4.0 license.

simple niche model


Defines niche model based in the "Probability of collection" model by Holland and Patzkowsky (1999). The collection probability follows the shape of a bell curve across a gradient, where opt determines the peak (mean) of the bell curve, and tol the standard deviation. "snd" stands for "scaled normal distribution", as the collection probability has the shape of the probability density of the normal distribution.


snd_niche(opt, tol, prob_modifier = 1, cutoff_val = NULL)



optimum value, gradient value where collection probability is highest


tolerance to changes in gradient. For large values, collection probability drops off slower away from opt


collection probability modifier, collection probability at opt.


NULL or a number. If a number, all collection probabilities at gradient values below cutoff_value are set to 0. This can for example be used to model exclusively marine species when the gradient is water depth (see examples).


a function for usage with apply_niche.


  • Holland, Steven M. and Patzkowsky, Mark E. 1999. "Models for simulating the fossil record." Geology.;2

See Also

  • apply_niche() for usage of the returned function

  • bounded_niche() for another niche model

  • vignette("advenced_functionality") for details on how to create user defined niche models


# using water depth as niche
wd = seq(-3, 40, by = 0.5)
f = snd_niche(opt = 10, tol = 5)

plot(wd, f(wd), xlab = "Water depth", ylab = "Prob. of collection")
# set cutoff value at to 0 to model non-terrestrial species.
f = snd_niche(opt = 10, tol = 5, cutoff_val = 0)
plot(wd, f(wd), xlab = "Water depth", ylab = "Prob. of collection")

# see also
#for examples how to use it for niche modeling

simulate phenotypic stasis


Simulates stasis of mean trait values as independent, normally distributed random variables with mean mean and standard deviation sd


stasis(t, mean = 0, sd = 1)



times at which the traits are determined


number, mean trait value


strictly positive number, standard deviation of traits


A list with two elements: t and y. t is a duplicate of the input t, y are the corresponding trait values. Output list is of S3 class timelist (inherits from list) and can thus be plotted directly using plot, see ?admtools::plot.timelist

See Also


library("admtools") # required for plotting of results
 t = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
 l = stasis(t)
 plot(l, type = "l") # plot lineage
 l2 = stasis(t, mean = 0.5, sd = 0.3) # simulate second lineage
 lines(l2$t, l2$y, col = "red") # plot second lineage

simulate phenotypic stasis (specimen level)


simulates stasis as independent, normally distributed random variables with mean mean and standard deviation sd, draws n_per_sample samples from each sampling location (population) that have specified variance intrapop_var


stasis_sl(t, mean = 0, sd = 1, intrapop_var = 1, n_per_sample = 10)



times at which the traits are determined


mean trait value


strictly positive number, standard deviation of traits around the mean


intrapopulation variance, determines how much specimens from the same population vary


integer, number of specimens sampled per population/sampling locality


an object of S3 class pre_paleoTS, inherits from timelist and list. The list has two elements: t, containing a vector of times of sampling, and vals, a list of trait values of the same length as t, with element containing trait values of individual specimens. This object can be transformed using apply_taphonomy, apply_niche or time_to_strat, and then reduced to a paleoTS object using reduce_to_paleoTS. This can then be used to test for different modes of evolution.

See Also


x = stasis_sl(1:5, mean = 2, sd = 2)
y = reduce_to_paleoTS(x) # turn into paleoTS format
plot(y) # plot using paleoTS package
# see also
#for details and advanced usage

simulate strict phenotypic stasis (specimen level)


simulates strict stasis on the population level (Hunt et al. 2015). This means each population has the same mean trait value, and all deviations are due to the fact that specimens traits differ from this value due to randomness.


strict_stasis_sl(t, mean = 0, intrapop_var = 1, n_per_sample = 10)



times at which the traits are determined


mean trait value


intrapopulation variance, determines how much specimens from the same population vary


integer, number of specimens sampled per population/sampling locality/time


an object of S3 class pre_paleoTS, inherits from timelist and list. The list has two elements: t, containing a vector of times of sampling, and vals, a list of trait values of the same length as t, with element containing trait values of individual specimens. This object can be transformed using apply_taphonomy, apply_niche or time_to_strat, and then reduced to a paleoTS object using reduce_to_paleoTS. This can then be used to test for different modes of evolution.


  • Hunt, Gene, Melanie J. Hopkins, and Scott Lidgard. 2015. “Simple versus Complex Models of Trait Evolution and Stasis as a Response to Environmental Change.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (16): 4885–90.

See Also


x = strict_stasis_sl(1:5, mean = 2, intrapop_var = 2) # simulate strict stasis
y = reduce_to_paleoTS(x)   # transform into paloeTS format
plot(y) # plot using paleoTS package

# see also
#for details and advanced usage

thin a series of events (e.g. fossil occurrences)


Thins a vector of events using the function thin, meaning the probability that the ith event in x is preserved is given by thin(x(i)). Values of thin below 0 and above 1 are ignored. Is used to model niche preferences in apply_niche and taphonomic effects in apply_taphonomy.


thin(x, thin)



numeric vectors with events (e.g. locations, height, times)


a function used for thinning


numeric vector, events after thinning. Depending on the modeling framework, these events can represent fossil ages/locations or first/last occurrences, and the thinning taphonomic or ecological effects.

See Also


x = p3(rate = 100, from = 0, to = 3 * pi) # simulate Poisson point process
y = thin(x, sin)
hist(y) # not how negative values of sin are treated as 0
yy = thin(x, function(x) 5 * sin(x))
hist(yy) # note how values of 5 * sin above 1 are not affecting the thinning